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Subeca part of Palm Springs iHub

When Hank McCarrick joined the Palm Springs iHub — an incubator for startups in the tech, energy, and healthcare spaces — in 2013, he was the CEO of SecoSys; he had an idea and an early-stage prototype. Six years later, his company, renamed Subeca, has transformed into a business poised to be a significant player in worldwide water conservation. Now a graduate of the Palm Springs iHub, McCarrick is Subeca’s chief strategy officer.

McCarrick, who founded his company near San Diego, brought his prototype water meter to Palm Springs for a demonstration on a blazing hot day in August 2013. He made a strong case for the need for his device, which helps water users save resources by detecting leaks in real time. His model was already in the testing phase at the San Marino Home Owner’s Association in Rancho Mirage, and he was realizing water savings of more than 40 percent. Considering that California perpetually battles water shortages, his idea won the attention of the Palm Springs iHub team.

By that fall, McCarrick had presented his innovation and won the Silver Award at the World’s Best Technology Conference in San Diego, a unique distinction among business based in any of California’s 16 iHubs. Read full article click below .

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