Smart Metering

Make your existing water meters smart in minutes.
Save time & money.

Wireless Pin

For Positive Displacement Meters

Are you exploring AMI? Do you need data every day instead of every 30 days?


It's time to consider a solution with hourly meter reads over free telemetry. The Pin has a 20 year battery and is much more than a register.

AMI Flexibility

No need for a huge installation contract. Keep your existing brass meter and install the PIN in minutes.

Compatible with most Positive Displacement Meter Models

Check out our compatibility matrix here
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Wired Pin

Static Meters & Range Extension

Do you need a AMI quickly on a static meter? Do you have to extend signal range with a powerful antenna?

Static Meter AMI

With just a few wire connections the Wired PIN provides instant AMI to static meters at a low cost.

World Class Antenna

The Wireless PIN also can extend the range of any Subeca device. The optionality of the Wireless PIN is worth a discussion.
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UltraSonic Pin

Battery Powered Clamp On

Sometimes you need a simple clamp-on device that can easily transmit data. No cutting pipes or hiring a contractor

Battery Powered

Plugging into a wall just won't work sometimes. You need a clamp-on meter that has a battery. This is the device for Net Zero Water activities.

Flexible Comms

The UltraSonic PIN is like all other Subeca products. It's built for Amazon Sidewalk, LoRaWAN and Bluetooth. This gives you lots of choices on how to get the data you need.
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